KBA Rapida 76-5+L SAPC ALV2 – 5 – 8 colors – Sheetfed Offset Printing Press


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  • No Impressions (millions)
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Reference number: A4P01662

5 units + coatingImpression count: 106 milMaximum size paper: 750×605 mmMaximum printing format:740×595 mmMaximum cardboard thickness: 0.8 mmMaximum speed: 18.000 sheets/hourAll units have UV interdeckDrying system: IR and UV (with two lamps)The UV system is classical (not LED)The machine has 5 power supplies for UV lamps and 5 UV lamps, which can be used in any configuration.The press is equipped with standard rollers (not UV, not mix)All Drivetronic, SIS, Airtronic, Cleantronic, Air control (venturi air) for sheet transfer between units and delivery are includedCooling: Technotrans Alpha.CInk temperature control, autoplate, autowashes, powder spray, anilox coater – one piece, 13 cm3The machine has Qualitronic Camera but is not working at this time (it has not been used for a while needs inspection and calibration)The machine is in production and can be inspected anytime.

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