KBA Rapida 74-5 UV – 5 – 8 colors – Sheetfed Offset Printing Press


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  • No Impressions (millions)
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Reference number: A4P01674

ErgotronicColortronicLogotronic BasicGrapho-MetronicVaridampWeko AP 232Densitronic BasicBaldwin CombilinerRapid Dry UV5 printing unitsStraight 5-unitMaximum format: 520×740 mmMinimum format: 210 x 297 mmMaximum printable area: 510 x 730 mmGrammage range: 60-350 g/sqmMaximum speed: 18.000 sheets/hourComplete UV machine, no IR76 mill impressions2x UV dryer (water-cooled)2x UV interdeck dryer (possible between all units)Lithec Lithoscan Professional color managementAdjustable lateral oscillation in every unitRetrofitted anti-static package (S-Lite/Kersten)With autoplate (semi-automatic)Various spare parts (electronics etc.)

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